About Us
Deliverance Church of Christ had it’s humble beginning in January of 1968 in Carmody Hills, Maryland. It started out in a little frame house on the spot where our current edifice now sits. Though it was prophesied that this church was not God’s will, Reverend Robert Joseph Patton remained steadfast to the voice which he knew was the Lord and God added to the church greatly the first year.
Eight years later, in October 1976, Deliverance Church of Christ #1 moved into its new edifice. With the capacity to welcome more people, God has moved mightily in our midst and many have been delivered and set free from sin by His awesome power. All glory and honor is given to God for such a blessing.
In 1979 (eleven years after Deliverance Church of Christ #1 was established), God gave birth to Deliverance Church of Christ #2 in Buckingham County, Virginia. Reverend Patton relocated to Virginia and was Pastor of both churches, commuting between Virginia and Maryland.
In July 1983, Deliverance Church of Christ #3 was birthed in Washington, DC (currently Harvest Life Fellowship) followed by Pressing Towards the Mark (Church #4) in 1990 which is now located in Hyattsville, Maryland. In December 1993, Reverend Bobby G. Holmes was installed as Pastor of Deliverance Church of Christ #1, in Carmody Hills, Maryland. God has richly blessed him in his ministry. Deliverance Fellowship of Believers (Church #5) joined the organization in November 1994 for a short time. We are believing God to continually add to the church family and local assemblies such as He sees fit.
Deliverance Church
Of Christ
500 Jadeleaf Ave.
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
Phone# (301) 336-7007
Of Christ

500 Jadeleaf Ave.
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
Phone# (301) 336-7007